Monday, July 26, 2010

Photo Editors

Designing websites involves nearly always photo images, some used for general illustration and often lots for say Online Galleries.

Unless involved in design or photography the average person has no need for a complex image editor such as Adobe Photoshop. I couldn't live without it but it has so many tools that most people would never ever use.

For a Pro website to look smart however, images need to be of the highest quality. Most original photos need a little (or lots of) help before they pass the test. (They will also need sizing and optimising, a subject I will be touching upon a different time)

What tools to use without having to go thru long learning curves and spending money?
Luckily there are several very good image editors available online so you don't even have to download any programs. Using these to prepare your images you not only get to keep the cost down (to people like us), you can potentially get great results. Plus - you can be proud of your achievements whilst having fun.

I reviewed a few editors and they are amazing. Not only can you do obvious things like autofix, resize, crop, rotate. You can adjust manually (but easily) lightness and darkness, smoothen or sharpen, apply special effects such as sepia, duotone, paint, sketch, change the borders and loads more. All with a click of the button - and (mostly) for free.

All you do is upload your image from your PC, do your thing and when you're happy, just save it to your PC and Bob's you're uncle.

Give a try to or or for the more DIY person use - or for very quick simple fixes without the many bells and whistles use

Have fun and let me know what you think

Till next time, Eva

Original Photo

Using Picnik adding this effect plus round borders with a few clicks

Using Fotoflexer adding these effects with a few clicks

1 comment:

  1. Lovely designs and good pics posted. I think you had to work for long on this project. Thanks for the information.
