Sunday, May 2, 2010

Slide Shows for websites

Slide shows can really enhance a site and add that extra bling and interactivity web visitors often long for in the far too static web world!

They are a great way to show of your products and can enhance your company that just 'normal' images can't do.

Of course, prime candidates are artists and one of those is a hugely prolific painter who constantly wants his web updating with new images. Our time is money but luckily we can offer a method for clients to update their own slide show gallery without having to pay us! I will tell you more about this another time but check out his site meanwhile - we love his work, have bought some of his paintings - maybe you do too!

Let me know what you think of his work with the slide show or contact him direct via ralph's site

Contact me if  your are interested in a slideshow for your web?
Ciao, Eva
