Sunday, May 2, 2010

E-Booking Facilities

Recently I blogged on the subject of Online Booking and of course there's a lot to say on this subject.

Online booking systems are the bee's knees of the web and they can make a real difference to the business owner. In a competitive industry they can even be make or break. No matter how good you and your business are, no matter that you have a splendid and informed website - if you have something to sell or for hire - you will be miles better off with e-booking facilities.

Web customers have become an impatient and impulsive breed and if they want something, they often want it now - or never. If your products or services cannot be bought NOW, then the vistor will often choose a different site from yours, buy and move on. You will lose the sale and the customer and that's that.

Online Booking systems used to be expensive but as with most IT things in IT life, these systems have not only become cheaper, they are miles better as the designers understand now also better what you want and what your customers expect - and what you can afford.

We believe in the simplicity of modular systems and have built and programmed systems for the hospitality and shopping industries that can be designed & tailored tailored to match your looks and requirements.

I will soon tell you more but if you own a shop, hotel or holiday property we love to tell you more and show you our demo. It is easy to admininister, great for your visitors and affordable too.

As always, we are happy to hear from you

Ciao for now,


Slide Shows for websites

Slide shows can really enhance a site and add that extra bling and interactivity web visitors often long for in the far too static web world!

They are a great way to show of your products and can enhance your company that just 'normal' images can't do.

Of course, prime candidates are artists and one of those is a hugely prolific painter who constantly wants his web updating with new images. Our time is money but luckily we can offer a method for clients to update their own slide show gallery without having to pay us! I will tell you more about this another time but check out his site meanwhile - we love his work, have bought some of his paintings - maybe you do too!

Let me know what you think of his work with the slide show or contact him direct via ralph's site

Contact me if  your are interested in a slideshow for your web?
Ciao, Eva


Ballamoar Campsite

Wow, this blog has been neglected - it's been so busy and suddenly it is May today already!

One of our projects was a website for Ballamoar Campsite. Richard had made a field on his farm available for TT in jubilee year 2007 and has been welcoming visitors since. He spent monies on electrics, toilets and showers but without advertsing & being where it is, the visitor level proved low after its success.

We suggested a website with e-booking facilities and this proved an immediate success. Well done Richard for taking this brave step with us. Ballamoar Campsite is the first in the island to take the Online Booking route and it sure has been the right decision already.

Check it out 

Hope you like it, but your comments are welcome either on this blog or contact. Maybe online booking is for you too the answer - I will write more about his in the near blog. Meanwhile you can contact me via our site:

Ciao, Eva